Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31, 2013 _ NYE and Departure from Metro Health

It was NYE and we were packing up the family to head home. First NYE as a family. So many emotions. I loved it!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

December 28, 2013 _ TWINS ARE READY

I went into labor Saturday, December 28th at 5 a.m. Called my doctor and told him I was having strong, unbearable contractions. He instructed me to go to the hospital and he would meet us there. I got to the hospital, was set up in triage. Now, contractions were 5 minutes apart.

I called my mom and dad at 6 a.m., my mom of course called the entire family. They were all there by 7 a.m. waiting and hanging out in the lobby with McDonald's. I was in labor, but I was not dialating, so I was not considered to be in active labor. So weird. But my doctor knew I was ready, the twins were 38w 2 days and they were ready, but my body wasn't. They were both breech, so we did a c-section. It was scary, nerve recking and exciting. I was FINALLY going to meet my little people.

We suited up, Tony suited up and at 11:42 a.m. Dean was pulled out, ass first, and then at 11:43 a.m., Colin was pulled out, ass first. Dean had a bit of fluid in his lungs, so they took him to the NICU for a half a second. By noon, I was already in recovery and they were putting Colin on my breast for an instance feeding. I was so drugged up, I couldn't even hold them.

That was the quickest day of my life. 5am contractions, 11:30 am sent to surgery, 11:42 am my babies were born and by noon it was all done and my husband and family were surrounding the twins and myself. Best day of my life.

OH! and the doctor named our kids. Ha :)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

December 25, 2013 _ CHRISTMAS

Well, I was really really hoping to have the twins by Christmas, but nope, they were all nice and roasty and toasty in my belly. I missed out on spending Christmas Eve with my mothers side of the family because I was 38 weeks pregnant. Didn't want to go into labor 1.5 hours away :)

Christmas day is always spent with my family, but this year was different. My grandmother, the glue that kepts us together, was no longer with us. She left us a note to read on Christmas. It was beautiful.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 22, 2013 _ Zara Noelle Was Born

My sister in law has a good timing. She delivered Zara Noelle on her exact due date. Couldn't be happier for them :)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3, 2013 _ Papa's 70th Birthday

His birthday is October 31st, but we celebrated on November 3rd. This is a very very sentimental post. My grandmother passed away just a 3 weeks prior to my grandfathers surprise birthday party she planned for him and all of his friends and family. I miss her. Everyday. It doesn't get easier. Ever. My grandmother planned this special occasion for him months prior to her begin diagnosed. She is an amazing woman. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAPA!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 31, 2013_Halloween

October 31, 2013

Halloween was NOT what is used to be, for sure. I felt EXTRA pregnant, I couldn't drink alcohol and my sexy clothes were not so sexy...Ha. I wore a super cute, make it yourself, twin skeleton shirt :) Tony and I settled for a totally lame costume and went as Juno and Bleeker from the movie Juno. Angie was a pregnant mummy ha. OH and I also accidentally drank crown royal and ginger ale...no not on purpose...there was apparently LOTS of alcohol in the 2 liter ginger ale bottle. Ha.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

October 20, 2013_ Twins' Thing 1 Thing 2 Baby Shower

October 20th, 2013_ Thing 1 Thing 2 Theme Baby Shower!

We have the best friends and family. Thank you to everyone who came out to make that day extra special. Dean and Colin are loved so much already :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 17, 2013 _ One Sad Day

My grandmother passed away at 11:11p.m. on October 17th. My heart hurts. I'm sad and angry, but I know she is now pain free and where she wants to be. I love and miss her every day. She loved her family, god, church and daisies.

Friday, October 4, 2013

October 3, 2013 _ Maternity Photoshoot

Ken and Angela Clunk of Toomuchawesomeness.com are truly fabulous. Thank you for shooting our maternity shoot.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

August 24, 2013 _ Baby Sister Gets Married

TODAY IS THE DAY! My baby sister, Danielle, gets married! Couldn't have been happier for the both of them and my nephews. Everyone looked amazing and I was so happy to be the Matron of Honor. All of our family was there, we were complete.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 11, 2013 – The Twins Gender Reveal Party

August 11, 2013

Today we had a gender reveal party to announce the gender of our twins. We found out the genders on July 22, 2013 because our doctor is pretty much amazing. He asked us if we wanted to get a "sneak" ultrasound to find the genders. It was hard for me to say no. Ha.

About 3 seconds into turning on the machine and pushing that thing on my belly did he find Baby B's little penis. Then rolled around to find Baby A, and found his penis within 5 seconds.

On August 8th we had a scheduled gender ultrasound. Doctor found the penises yet again....within seconds. I was really hoping the first "sneak" ultrasound was wrong and I was having one girl and one boy. However, they are boys, for sure, I confirmed with the experts...three times. ha.

We wanted to do something different for our gender reveal. Many people do colored cake batter or cupcakes filled with blue or pink, or release balloons and the parents-to-be do not know the gender. Because we went with silly string, we kinda had to find out. Plus, I doubt I would be able to hold off not knowing for so long.