Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 19, 2013 - The Official Facebook Announcement

June 19, 2013.

Today we publicly announced that we HAVE TWO BUNS IN THE OVEN! We told all the family and friends who didn't already know. Did you know pregnancy "news" spreads like CRAZY WILD FIRE?! Yeah, I didn't either, until it happened. Ha. I only had to tell a small handful of people we were pregnant. However, only a small handful knew we were having twins, so it was still a nice surprise :)

A special shout out to, our friends Ken and Angie, for rearranging their living room to accommodate our fantastic baby announcement photoshoot.
*Everyone should book them, they're amazing :)

Another shout out to Tony, who is a master Photoshop god, and a shout out to ME for the handy graphic design skills to make it look pretty :)

so much fun

The Facebook announcement photo.

June 19, 2013 - 11 weeks Pregnant

June 19, 2013.

Today we went in for a follow up appointment with my ob/gyn Dr. E. He's fantastic. I also have a high risk doctor, Dr. S, because I am having twins it's considered high risk. Not a problem. We were told we are a very low risk twin pregnancy. GO US!

Baby B
Baby A-Larger
Baby A (his hand was by his nose) I know, it's a silly looking picture. ha.

Baby A.

May 22, 2013 – 7 weeks Pregnant!

May 22, 2013.

Today, at 3:30pm, we had a doctors appointment to hear the heartbeat and see the baby via ultrasound.

At 3:45pm we discovered we are having TWINS!! Not one, but TWO babies. (EEKKkkk)
Due date January 9th, 2014, but with twins you usually go early, so we are estimating early December 2013.

Baby A and Baby B look like blobs and their heartbeats are FANTASTIC!

April 27, 2013 - WE'RE PREGNANT!

April 27th, 2013.

I found out I was pregnant! YAY, it worked! ;)

I bought a "Freaked out dad" book for Tony and put the positive pregnancy test in the book. Took the book and test and put it into an Amazon re-packaged bag and put it on the front porch. Then, SURPRISE we have a delivery from Amazon at 8:15am on a Saturday? That's weird.  OPEN IT!

Attached is the video of Tony realizing he will be a daddy. So happy and so confused because he was still "waking up"!